Modine Manufacturing Company(MOD) Stock Research - Grey Stern Research

Modine Manufacturing Company (MOD) Stock Analysis

$109.77 (-1.67%)

MOD Financial Performance

Use the table below to view Modine Manufacturing Company's financial profile. This data is gathers from the latest available financial statements. Annual data is taken from the trailing 12 months of statements. All numbers are reported in US Dollars and so any foreign currencies are converted to USD so comparison's can be done.

Based on Financial Statements from Q1 - 2025

Metric Value Ranking among Peers
Price $109.77 -
52 Week Low $39.88 -
52 Week High $141.72 -
Market Cap $5.8 Billion 3/14
Gross Margin 25% 6/14
Profit Margin 7% 5/14
EBITDA margin 11% 8/14
Q1 - 2025 Revenue $661.5 Million 6/14
Q1 - 2025 Earnings $47.3 Million 5/14
Q1 - 2025 Free Cash Flow $40.5 Million 8/14
Trailing 4 Quarters Revenue $2.4 Billion 6/14
Trailing 4 Quarters Earnings $164.0 Million 5/14
Quarterly Earnings Growth 6% 6/14
Annual Earnings Growth -48% 11/14
Quarterly Revenue Growth 6% 3/14
Annual Revenue Growth -1% 9/14
Cash On Hand $72.9 Million 8/14
Short Term Debt $4.3 Million 12/14
Long Term Debt $405.7 Million 9/14

Modine Manufacturing Company Financial Metrics

Financial metrics are a set of useful numbers that can give key performance indicators of a company. The various metrics can include information about profitability, growth, and debt load. When combined and use properly they can tell an analyst a compelling fact-based story of how the company is currently performing. To compare Modine Manufacturing Company's metrics versus it's peers make sure to run our peer analysis tool.

Valuation Metrics

Metric Value Ranking among Peers
PE 35.14 2/14
PS 2.36 2/14
PB 7.24 1/14
PC 79.06 3/14
Liabilities to Equity 1.36 6/14
ROA 0.09 2/14
ROE 0.21 2/14
Current Ratio 1.74 7/14
Quick Ratio 0.07 6/14
Long Term Debt to Equity 0.51 7/14
Debt to Equity 0.52 9/14
Burn Rate -2.43 9/14
Cash to Cap 0.01 12/14
CCR 0.86 11/14
EV to EBITDA 81.99 4/14
EV to Revenue 2.49 2/14

Company Details

Modine Manufacturing Company provides engineered heat transfer systems and heat transfer components for use in on- and off-highway original equipment manufacturer (OEM) vehicular applications. It operates through Climate Solutions and Performance Technologies segments. The company offers gas-fired, hydronic, electric, and oil-fired unit heaters; indoor and outdoor duct furnaces; infrared units; perimeter heating products, such as commercial fin-tube radiation, cabinet unit heaters, and convectors; roof-mounted direct- and indirect-fired makeup air units; unit ventilators; single packaged vertical units; precision air conditioning units for data center applications; air handler units; fan walls; chillers; ceiling cassettes; hybrid fan coils; and condensers and condensing units. It also provides microchannel, heat recovery, round tube plate fin, and motor and generator cooling coils; evaporator unit, fluid, transformer oil, gas, air blast, and dry and brine coolers, as well as remote condensers; and coatings to protect against corrosion. In addition, the company offers powertrain cooling products, including engine cooling modules, radiators, charge air coolers, condensers, oil coolers, fan shrouds, and surge tanks; on-engine cooling products comprising exhaust gas recirculation, engine oil, fuel, charge air, and intake air coolers; auxiliary cooling products, such as transmission and retarder oil coolers, and power steering coolers; and complete battery thermal management systems and electronics cooling packages. It serves heating, ventilation, and cooling OEMs; construction architects and contractors; wholesalers of heating equipment; automobile, truck, bus, and specialty vehicle OEMs; agricultural, industrial, and construction equipment OEMs; and commercial and industrial equipment OEMs. The company has operations in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia. Modine Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1916 and is headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin.

CEO: Mr. Thomas Burke


Address: 1500 de Koven Ave Racine, WISCONSIN

Exchange: New York Stock Exchange

Industry: Auto Parts

Modine Manufacturing Company Peer Analysis

A useful and more reliable way of seeing the health of a company is to compare it to other companies operating in the same sector. Below is our list of companies which we rank are the closest peers to Modine Manufacturing Company. If you feel that peers should be added or removed from this list please contact us. To run an in-depth peer analysis which compares many financial metrics click on the link below.

Stock Ticker Market Cap
Dana Incorporated DAN $1.1 Billion
Gentex Corporation GNTX $6.9 Billion
American Axle & Manufacturing Holdings, Inc. AXL $682.0 Million
BorgWarner Inc. BWA $7.3 Billion
Cooper-Standard Holdings Inc. CPS $256.1 Million
Fox Factory Holding Corp. FOXF $1.4 Billion
Lear Corporation LEA $5.2 Billion
Motorcar Parts of America, Inc. MPAA $106.3 Million
Dorman Products, Inc. DORM $4.1 Billion
Monro, Inc. MNRO $828.1 Million
Stoneridge, Inc. SRI $193.5 Million
Standard Motor Products, Inc. SMP $703.6 Million
Douglas Dynamics, Inc. PLOW $529.5 Million
Run Peer Analysis
Income Statement
Balance Sheet
Cash Flow Statement
MOD Income Statements
Quarter Year Revenue Earnings
Q1 2025 $ 661.5 Million $47.3 Million
Q4 2024 $ 603.5 Million $25.8 Million
Q3 2024 $ 561.4 Million $44.4 Million
Q2 2024 $ 620.5 Million $46.5 Million
Q1 2024 $ 622.4 Million $44.8 Million
Q4 2023 $ 618.1 Million $89.9 Million
Q3 2023 $ 560.0 Million $24.5 Million
Q2 2023 $ 578.8 Million $24.4 Million

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MOD Balance Sheets
Quarter Year Cash & Equivalents Total Assets Total Debt Total Equity
Q1 2025 $72.9 Million $1.9 Billion $410.0 Million $796.3 Million
Q4 2024 $60.1 Million $1.9 Billion $431.6 Million $755.5 Million
Q3 2024 $149.7 Million $1.7 Billion $313.5 Million $735.2 Million
Q2 2024 $120.2 Million $1.6 Billion $342.6 Million $681.0 Million
Q1 2024 $92.5 Million $1.6 Billion $357.7 Million $644.5 Million
Q4 2023 $67.1 Million $1.6 Billion $352.7 Million $599.6 Million
Q3 2023 $82.2 Million $1.4 Billion $389.8 Million $501.5 Million
Q2 2023 $70.1 Million $1.4 Billion $349.3 Million $450.7 Million

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MOD Cash Flow Statements
Quarter Year freeCashFlow capitalExpenditure netChangeInCash
Q1 2025 $40.5 Million $0 $12.9 Million
Q4 2024 $0 $0 -$89.6 Million
Q3 2024 $0 $0 $0
Q2 2024 $58.0 Million -$11.1 Million $29.1 Million
Q1 2024 $26.6 Million -$15.1 Million $26.8 Million
Q4 2023 $24.1 Million -$15.5 Million -$15.2 Million
Q3 2023 -$400,000 -$12.2 Million $12.1 Million
Q2 2023 $29.0 Million -$12.6 Million $11.4 Million

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